Welcome to F:E:D - [fresh electronic delivery]
There were so many new sign-ups for the F:E:D! The soft launch has taken off very well - thanks to all those who passed the links on to others. To answer the many questions received about Where Design Comes From, yes, there is a full featured site in the works. It will launch when more of the pieces are in place and your going to dig it. Glad to hear the interest is out there. Now lets get this issue started.

Billy Bussey
Heavy. Please engage your fast connections for this one. There are some very creative ideas in this site that feels as if it is just dying for the full merger of tv and the web. Check out the style in his transitions. Incredible 3d graphics.

Adidas A3
This site employs a "% explored" meter to let you know how much good stuff you still have awaiting you. They use it as a reward system. The more you explore the more extras you receive (items such as desktop wallpapers).

Carbon Five
Great layouts at work. Simple shapes combine to build the C5 brand and create a very unique structure for the site to flow into. Mostly down to business on this site.

The Phaeton
Fly through the stars as you navigate this site. Notice the controls at the top of the screen if you get a little lost. They have a full menu under "Your Journey."

Ron Filion Mallette
Crystal clean. His menus and crisp layouts remind me of the Smithsonian or other high end museum location systems. I love a good menu with proper color layout, these are top of the line in layout. Simple and tasteful display of information.

Seattle Slew
Interesting ideas to bring the atmosphere of horse racing together throughout the site. An entire history of races (including photos) are available as well as other information about Slew's impressive career.

Flight 404
Browse through the amazing art/code work of Robert Hodgin. Start with the large feature image or use the project navigation boxes on the lower bar. Be sure to launch the projects to see them come alive. Really intricate works.

Where Design Comes From