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Where is the love? Well, it is right here of course.

Fluoro is new Austrailian agency doing some pretty tasty work. New works from Shilo. Liverpool UK-based ezine that I'm mentioning just for the name - Thunder Chunky. Tony Hawk skating 'Tron' style. Check out the HP commercials for digital photography - fantastic. Place, Position holds some serious work history - dig it.

Design Yamaha
Yamaha Design (Japan) is doing nice things with their site. Great photography. Big ol' photos of their current work. The site doesn't have an English version, so happy hunting.

Aesthetic Supervision
This is a different method of interface on this portfolio site. It is a bit jarring to slide the menu system down after a selection, but starts to work if you browse for a bit.

New Deal Studios
Always been a sucker for behind the scenes effects. This studio is doing some of the magical mojo out there. Great stills of the production going into big time effect shots.

Design Method of Operation
This multidisplinary design and publishing firm has produced some amazing work. The books are for sale on the site and they are certainly some interesting ones to choose from.

Juxt Interactive
Juxt is looking tough with mad amounts of work. Look at all that work, it scrolls down and just keeps rolling! This is just a temp site for Juxt, so be on the lookout for a full release.

Porsche - Driven by Precision
A tight site for Porsche. Multiple views of the classic ride and all the details discussed in the Development section. The Precision labortories section has some fun interactivity to uncover the information contained within.

Huidi Lauhoff Mode
A simple structure sets the stage for this fashion label site. Each outfit can be zoomed into and spun 360 degrees around. This is the craftwork of the team at Scholz & Volkmer.

Forces Of Nature
Sweet visulazations of hurricanes and other big nasties. Fly-ins on tornados and explanations of what is going on inside. This site is appropriate for the season of hurricanes that are going on right now. Second Story producing more great work.

Where Design Comes From